Funding Types

Funding will come under one of the four basic account headings:

  • Capital Funding
  • Core Funding
  • Grant Specific Funding 
  • Ring-fenced Funding

Capital Funding

This is funding for fixed assets such as buildings, equipment, computers, office furniture etc.

Core Funding

This is funding for everyday running such as getting members to meetings, printing, ink cartridges, admin costs, staff wages, PAYE etc.

Grant Specific Funding

An example of this could be the Government giving grant funding that has to agree with certain criteria before it can be granted. A Local Authority may grant funding under a Service Level Agreement (SLA), where certain work is expected for that grant funding. The SLA is negotiated before signing off between the funder and the recipient.

Ring-fenced Funding

This is protected money that is for a specific purpose or purposes and named functions.