Things to remember

Young people are not a single group so don’t expect one activity or campaign to appeal to everyone. Their interests change frequently too, so make sure you update your messages and activities regularly.

  • Ensure that your activity or campaign addresses at least one or more of the key interests or concerns for young people in your area.
  • Can your work provide accreditation that will support employability, or offer social  opportunities to make new friends? The more targeted you are with your message the higher quality response you’ll get.
  • Choose your resource carefully. Leaflets tend to be less effective than postcards or flyers. Design is important, how you look will count.
  • If you can’t afford a designer then get a young design student to help. Your poster could well be their first portfolio job, and it will encourage their participation in your Panel activity.
  • Up-to-date new media should be key to your activity or campaign. Almost all young people go online and have a mobile phone.
  • Language is important. Don’t patronise or talk down. Treat them as young adults.
  • Focus less on your charity message and more on the experience you’re offering and what young people will gain.
  • Evidence shows that this age group are far more likely to adopt a brand if their peers recommend it.
  • Run focus groups with your existing young volunteers to get ideas or provide opportunities for them to go out and recruit volunteers on your behalf.
  • A fun promotional campaign led by young people is more likely to attract others than a traditional campaign.
  • Encourage and support new ideas from young people, and let them take leadership where possible. This way they will take ownership and responsibility and feel more involved.